Monday, April 20, 2015

The Flash and the FEELS!

For those that don't know, I write a YA Time Travel thriller and wow, I love it way more than I ever thought I would.

It's just so much fun. Anything can happen and in fact the more crazy something happens, the more excited I get. The more I squeal with joy! I've always loved Time Travel, like Back to the Future (HELLO!) Or just something like an episode of Supernatural (yes, I said it, I love Supernatural).
He's Fast!!

Why couldn't Buffy have had a time travel episode? Now that would have been fun.

Which just brings me to my latest obsession. The CW's The Flash. I love comic book movies and television shows, but I've never read the comics. I don't know how true to the source material the Flash's plot twists are, but O.M.G. people.

(Caution. I am about to spoil everything right here!)

Better keep on going doooown....

Poor Barry Allen's mother was killed because The Flash and Reverse Flash fought in the future--and then the past because Reversie wanted to kill the Flash as a little boy.

This is me, trying to keep all the plot points straight.
But he didn't! More like he couldn't. And got stuck in the past hundreds of years from where he was. And now he needs Barry Allen to develop enough speed so he can get his power back and go POOF straight into the future.

Yeah, it's a poor summary. And now Reversie (as I like to call him) is altering the time line. Speeding stuff up, making sure Barry gets his powers early and poor poor Dr. Wells (hot Dr. Wells. I have a thing for scientists and aging watchers) You almost need to keep notes to keep all this stuff straight.

Through all of this, we learn things Barry hasn't pieced together and it leads me to screaming at the television, much to my husband's dismay.

But I love the complexity of this season one of the Flash. I can't believe it's only been on for ONE season. I wish I could travel forward in time and see what is happening in season 7! Oh yes, I went there.

Back to the complexities. I love the plot twists, the time travel twists about repercussions on changing the future. You change what happens, and then what? The universe sets out to get you? In one of the changed time lines, Cisco had a very violent encounter and now it didn't happen, but he's dreaming about it.

Dreaming about a now altered time line.

Oh the feels! I love this sort of thing. It speaks to me on a creative level and I'm wondering how do you feel about it? Could you leave time travel in the dust? Or would you hop in that DeLorean and go on the adventure of your life?

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