Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Flash: All Star Team Up

I love Genre fiction so expect to see reviews, thoughts, ramblings of my favorite shows. The Arrow, The Flash, Supernatural, iZombie (maybe). And expect them all to be filled with one million and a half spoilers.



All Star Team Up. Seriously. We needed basketball team jerseys for this mashup. 

I loved this episode! Loved! Not surprised because I love all the episodes. Some make me quiver a bit more than previous ones and this one had a few problems that urked me, but overall it was enjoyable.

The biggest one that I can't really get over is the Cross Over. Now, I love when Arrow cast members show up on The Flash, especially Felicity, but the timing of this one just didn't sit right. Previously on Arrow, Oliver Queen was arrested and Roy Harper threw himself down on the sacrifical arrow (wink) and let himself be arrested so Oliver can go free.
I know you were arrested, but I totally need the day off.

And that's seems like it would be a good time for Felicity and Ray to take a day/weekend trip to Starling City?!

Say Whaaat!? Okay, bygones.

Then they're in the next episode of the Arrow like they never left. Except Felicity referenced Barry Allen in a way that suggests it actually did happen in chronical order.


My other main problem with this episode (read this show) Iris. Do not get me started on Iris! She is very much the Lois Lane character which is fine. Really. It's fine. 

Except her and Barry grew up together in the same house with her dad Barry's step dad since he was like 8 years old. They went to elementary, high school, and supported each other all through college and when Barry expresses his love for her, no one ever goes EEEW, even a little bit? How does THAT work!
He's my foster brother. Smexy.

I'm pretty sure there are tons of SMEXY Step-Brother erotica romances out there (that's another post) that make most people squirm. But Barry and Iris are one day going to take that leap. Maybe they could start a My Foster Brother Genre jump.

Anyway, I degress, I've gone on too long to get to what I really want to talk about which is the Iris and dreamy blond detective guy breakup. Oh right, he has a name. I forgot what it was because I was staring into his baby blue eyes.
In this picture. HELLO!

Iris is upset because he's keeping a secret. A police detective. Keeping a secret. Wow. Stop the presses people. You mean he might have confidential information he can't talk about.

Wow. Just wow.

And then NO ONE uses this as a fesible excuse? I know they are trying to go for a tie in Iris/Eddie secrets vs Barry do I tell everyone about Dr. Wells or keep them in the dark drama? 

Sigh. Plot device and a really weak one. Eddie should have left said he can't talk about ongoing investigations. It's not a total lie.

Pet Peeve of the Week: Eddie asking Joe how he can lie to the people he loves in his life. MEANWHILE Eddie and Iris kept their relationship secret from EVERYONE for months. 

Karma people. Karma.

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